Friday, January 31, 2014

30 Paintings in 30 Days


c.dingman said...

What a wonderful collection of color. Congratulations on completing 30 all very successful paintings.

Pam Holnback said...

Enjoyed this collection!

Regula Scheifele said...

I'll be sorry not to see a '30 in 30' painting every day. They look great in the collage!

Bhavani said...

A beautiful collection of works. Congrats on completing the challenge :)

Renee Brennan said...

Fun seeing them all together. I love the chicken egg timer!

martine paquet said...

Congratulations! I was in the challenge too and enjoyed looking at your painting every morning! Looking forward to your next painting1

Angeline said...

Until tonight, didn't have a chance to say hello to anyone...between day job and painting and posting, LOL.

Love your stuff. Love the every day home theme.

Congratulations on finishing the challenge!