Thursday, January 31, 2013

"Red Pepper with Knife" - 6 x 6 inches - oil on canvas

"Red Pepper with Knife" - 6 x 6 inches - oil on canvas
This is the 30th and final painting in the "30 Paintings in 30 Days" challenge...yeah!  As a part-time artist, the challenge was certainly a challenge.  I'm glad I persevered but am also happy that it is over.  I really enjoy painting but didn't enjoy the daily pressure to produce something.  I value quality over quantity.

The cool part about the project was that I received many encouraging emails and comments throughout the month.  I want to thank everyone who took the time to write.  A few folks were even inspired to join me and also do something on a daily basis.  How cool is that? 

In February, I'll start working on a larger painting so I'll post some updates as I make progress but you certainly won't be hearing from me on a daily basis.  I am, however, inspired to paint more frequently so hopefully I can keep that momentum going throughout the coming year.

"Red Pepper with Knife" is a 6 inch square painting and is available for $60.  Click the Buy Now button below to purchase using a credit card/Paypal or here for other payment options. 


Nancy Standlee said...

congrats for the finish.

Linda Nickles said...

Great job on the pepper, Laurie! Congratulations on finishing the "30 in 30". It was fun... but like you, I probably won't be posting daily either.