Friday, December 19, 2008

Summer Crowds - Oil on canvas - 12 x 12 inches

I haven't posted for over a week as we had an ice storm that crippled much of New England. Unfortunately, I was without power for 6 days! I've had electricity for less than 48 hours and we're now in the midst of a major snowstorm. I figured I'd better update this blog before I lose power again :)

I was getting ready to post this painting and noticed that I didn't have a shadow under the most prominent cherry stem. I don't know how I could have missed it the first time around. Most artists have an excellent eye with the ability to see shapes, values and colors easily. However, it is easy to become blind to your own work. For that reason, I almost always ask someone to critique my work. My kids are my best critics. I've modified many paintings based on their suggestions. Another trick is to put a painting away for a few weeks ... the next time you see it, you'll have fresh eyes.

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